Here you will find link to free resources for you to download and use plus some other links to courses and journals .
Free Resources:-
JWW Gratitude Journal.pdf A Journal to help you get started with Gratitudes in th morning and evening.
The-Lower-Carb-Pantry-List-2023.pdf A list of Low carb foods for your cupboard.
To Purchase:-
Empowered at Every Age: A Health Journey Planner for Women over 50. £11.99
A Health Journey Planner designed for women over 50. This planner is designed to guide and support women in their health journey during and after menopause.
It’s especially suitable for those who may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about where to start in their health journey and confidence to feel empowered.
- Includes Goal Setting, monthly, weekly and daily planners.
- Wellness wheel where each area can be scored individually.
- Morning and evening gratitude and reflection pages.